Rev Dr Casey Ng, President
Welcome to ACTS College
Greetings, and a very warm welcome to ACTS! We are glad to share our excitements with you.
Our mission is to empower leaders to transform lives and society through education. Our vision is to develop a global learning community that will empower leaders to succeed in transforming lives and society. And everything we do leads towards the final goal of missio dei or God’s mission to transform the world.
If you are considering a theological education to prepare or enrich yourself to serve God, please feel free to browse through our website to learn more about how we can help you to succeed. Or, perhaps you sense God’s calling but need guidance to discern what is the next best step to take, please do not hesitate to talk to us—we will be more than glad to assist you in exploring your options. We trust that you will discover your potential and fulfil God’s will for your life.
Our Strategy
We are a global learning community that seeks to empower leaders to succeed in transforming lives and society. We provide the learning experiences to encourage students to grow spiritually as they think theologically and engage with the world wherever they are called. We are committed to providing students with academic excellence and spiritual renewal through the followings below:
- Life-changing orientation
We challenge students to continually deepen their relationship with Christ and with one another. Learning at ACTS is more than just attending some modules and completing assignments. Our primary focus is to learn to grow in Jesus so that we can share our rich experiences of God with others in the world.
Our prayer is that students will have a learning encounter with God in their lessons and with their learning community in every conversation: whether in class, along the corridor or during coffee-breaks; and ultimately, find greater significance in everything they do.
- Connected learning
We challenge students to learn actively through collaboration or connection. Living in a connected world, we cannot afford to live and work like lone rangers as before. Our education is not merely transferring information. We emphasise on assisting students to succeed as a group in developing critical thinking, solving problems, negotiating conflicts, and so on. So coming to classes is more than just memorising to get “A’s”, it includes proactively learning to make friends, building a network of relationship, and learning to engage with the world.
- Globally recognised education
We offer students a quality education that is globally recognised. Our accreditation by the evangelical Asia Theological Association (ATA) ensures that our College is at par with globally acceptable standards of theological education. And our accreditation by the pentecostal-charismatic Asia Pacific Theological Association (APTA) further assures that our theological pursuits are in-step with the global movement of the Holy Spirit.
Our History

Bible Institute of Singapore

Assemblies of God Bible College

ACTS College
ACTS College (ACTS) was first established in 1977 by the Assemblies of God of Singapore as the Bible Institute of Singapore (BIS) to train leaders for ministry. As BIS grew, it was approved by the Ministry of Education, Republic of Singapore as a religious institution and renamed as the Assemblies of God Bible College (AGBC) in 1998. Eventually, AGBC was incorporated as a limited company in 2014 as ACTS College Ltd. ACTS has graduated over 400 students and about three quarters of the graduates are actively involved in ministry in one form or another.
ACTS is a learning community for men and women who are willing to deepen and broaden their commitments to God.