Book Donations 捐书
Thank you for your interest in donating books to ACTS Library. Since 2013, we have received more than 1250 books from many generous donors like you. We welcome donations that will enrich our collection, but unfortunately we are not able to accept everything as our space is limited. Please read and accept our policy below and email us at or contact us at 68411770 during office hours.
- We prefer materials (theological and biblical) published in the last 10 years. We are looking especially for Chinese books.
- We prefer materials related to Pentecostal theology, practice, missions and history.
- We do not accept material in poor conditions.
- Please send in the list of books you would like to donate to ACTS College e.g. title, author, year of copyright, and publisher. Or you could take photos of the cover page and send them in to us. We would let you know the outcome.
- Please do not bring any resources to the college without the college’s prior acceptance of your books.
- We appreciate if you could deliver the donations to our location during office hours.
- All donations will be assessed according to the library’s requirements and needs.
- We reserve the right to deal or dispose of the donated books according to our policies and requirements.