General Admission Requirements 入学要求
The following is the general requirement for student admission. We encourage you to speak to our Registrar (, (65) 68411770) for a no-obligation academic counselling session to clarify your doubts and expectations:
- Have been a believer for at least one year and show evidence of a genuine desire for Christian service.
- Be at least 20 years of age on the date of admission.
- Have completed National Service or be exempted from serving for male Singaporean applicant.
- Have the recommendation of the pastor of the church of which he is a member and two other referees.
- Have a recommendation from a church leader and another referee (for non-Assemblies of God applicant).
- Be proficient in English.
Programme of Study 学科
Undergraduate Level 本科生
Certificate of Theology (CertTh) 神学文凭 / Diploma of Theology (DipTh) 神学证书 /Bachelor of Theology (BTh) 神学学士
Candidates for these programmes must have three GCE “A” level passes, or two “A” and two “O” level passes or their equivalent, or have polytechnic/business college diploma or its equivalent. International applicants must also have a score of 6.0 on IELTS or a score of 550 on TOEFL Examination.
Graduate Level 硕士生 Graduate Diploma of Theology (GradDipTh) 神学研究生文凭 Master of Theological Studies (MTS) 神学研究硕士 Master of Divinity (MDiv) 道学硕士 Candidates for this programme must be university graduates from established universities or Bachelor of Theology graduates from accredited Bible Colleges with at least GPA of 3.0 |
Application Procedure 入学程序
The application form can be obtained from the Administrative Office during office hours.
Alternatively, applicants may also download the application admission form (入学申请表格)
The applicants should return the completed form with:
- A non-refundable application fee of S$30 for local applicants or S$80 for foreign applicants. Cheques, money orders, or bank drafts should be made payable to “ACTS College Ltd”.
- Two recent colour passport-sized photographs.
- A copy of the applicants’ secondary/tertiary/university education certificate (notarized and translated if not in English). This includes all official certificates and transcripts from previous schools (i.e. college, university and theological college). Applicants should arrange to have their former schools send the transcripts directly to ACTS College. Alternatively, the original transcripts should be brought to ACTS College for verification.
- Testimony of conversion.
- Testimony of full-time calling to Christian Ministry. If the applicants do not have a full-time calling, they have to give an account of their reasons and goals for pursuing theological education at ACTS College.
- Three character reference forms are required. These should include a reference from the supervising pastor or leader of the church in which the applicants are worshipping at and two references from a friend, a colleague, or employer who have known the applicants for more than two years. Spouses, relatives, current students and staff of ACTS College are not acceptable referees. The referees should send the character reference forms directly to ACTS College. The names and full addresses of all the references should be written on the application form so that ACTS College will know from whom to expect the reference forms.
- TOEFL or IELTS scores (applicable only to International applicants). Applicants whose first language is not English are required to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or a comparable test of English proficiency prior to acceptance. It is the responsibility of the applicants to take the test and to arrange for the scores to be sent to ACTS College. Applicant must have a score of 6.0 on IELTS or a score of 550 on TOEFL Examination.
- A completed medical form by a licensed medical practitioner with the Ministry of Health.
- Additional documents required for foreign applicants only:
- Copies of documentary proof of the applicants’ financial ability such as a letter of sponsorship or bank statement.
- Copies of documentary proof of sponsorship from a local church in Singapore
The Admissions Committee will not consider applications that do not have all the relevant documents mentioned above.
Submission of application form and documents does not constitute automatic admission to ACTS College. All applications will be subjected to review by the Admissions Committee. The Admissions Committee will arrange for an interview with the applicants. After the interview, the applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by post or email.
All successful applicants will be matriculated into their academic programmes. After which, they may register for their relevant modules.
Admission/ Upgrade forms 入学/升级表格
2. 希望申请升级的在籍学生,请下载这份表格:
– 升级申请表格 3. 欲报读相关课程,请用相关的课程申请表格。关于每学期更新的课程详情,请上课程网页。