The Doctor of Ministry (DMin) in Pentecostal/Charismatic Ministries is designed to provide quality education and training in selected areas of Pentecostal/Charismatic ministries. The programme aims to enhance the participant’s personal growth toward maturity and professional competence in the practice of ministry and to prepare gifted scholars and qualified ministers for teaching positions in Bible colleges. The DMin programme
offers formal coursework, plus interaction and evaluative structures.
Entry Requirements
Applicants must have an acceptable Master of Divinity (GPA 3 3 from a recognised Bible College or its equivalent). Applicants must also have a minimum of three years active ministry experience. International applicant whose native language is not English must submit proof of English proficiency equivalent to 550 on the TOEFL (IELTS 6).
Courses are conducted on one-week block (Mon-Fri: 9.00 am-6.00 pm) thrice a year (viz. January, May, and July). All pre-reading (1500 pages) and pre-assignments must be completed one week before the course begins. Final Research Project may be done on APTS campus on request.
Requirements for graduation
1 Completion of 8 courses / 24 credits with minimum GPA of 3.0 or “B”
2. Completion of Comprehensive Exam
3. Completion of Research Project including Oral Defense
4. Faculty approval of Christian character and conduct
5. Settlement of all financial obligations with the Administration Office
6. Attendance at graduation exercises (unless special permission for absence is obtained)
A student who has received two course grades below B minus for work done at any stage of the course will be reviewed by the Post-Graduate Programmes Committee for possible termination from the programme.
Click here to download course registration form.
Please fill up the form and email it to registrar@acts.edu.sg
Click here to download the DMin Programme application form.
The Doctor of Ministry programme, offered in partnership with Asia Pacific Theological Seminary, is accredited by the Asia Theological Association, the Asia Pacific Theological Association, and the Association of Theological Education in South East Asia.