

Scholarship  奖学金

The Brash Scholarships

This scholarship was established by Murray Bruce Brash who was born in Eastbourne, England in 1913 and studied law at Cambridge. Thereafter he came to Singapore to work with Allen and Gledhill, a well-known law firm. When the war broke out, he joined the Legal Branch of the Royal Air Force. After the war he resumed his partnership with Allen and Gledhill, retiring in 1959. However he was soon persuaded to continue legal practice in a private capacity until 1978. He died on 24 August 1982.

The conditions for award are: 申请资格:
a) Applicants must be male Malaysian, male Indonesian, or male Chinese citizens of Singapore 马来西亚男性、印尼男性、新加坡华裔男性;
b) Applicants must be of an approved Protestant denomination or background 受承认的基督新教派或新教背景;
c) Applicants must be born-again Evangelicals of sound character 品格优秀的福音派重生信徒;
d) Applicants must be preparing for full-time Christian work/missionary service 正预备从事全职基督徒工作或宣教工作; and
e) Applicants must be financially needy 有经济需要.

If you meet the above condition, please download the preliminary application form. All application form should be submitted to The Brash Trust in softcopy and e-mail to BrashTrust@vistra.com.

TEL : (65) 6236 3333

Email : BrashTrust@vistra.com

All further enquiries about this Scholarship should be directed to the Brash Scholarships.


Introduction The Alfred Yeo Fund for Theological Studies is established by ACTS College Ltd (ACTS) with funds provided by Zion Full Gospel Church to support theological studies at ACTS in the form of scholarships and bursaries. The Fund is named in honour of Rev Alfred Yeo (Rev Yeo), who served as the Senior Pastor of Zion Full Gospel Church (ZFGC) from 2004 to 2016.

Besides pastoring, Rev Yeo served as an adjunct faculty to the then Assemblies of God (AG) Bible College imparting his knowledge, skills and experience on counselling. Touching lives, especially the under-privileged, was always a burden that Rev Yeo carried with him. It was no surprise that he founded and chaired the work of the AG Community Service Society in Singapore. Well-respected in the AG community, Rev Yeo was also elected to serve in the AG Executive Council for several terms.

An all-rounder in ministry, Rev Yeo left a strong legacy when he led ZFGC from strength to strength by the grace of our Lord. Rev Yeo was fully committed to loving, nurturing and growing the church. Recognising the need to advance theological training and expand the possibilities for future AG ministers, Rev Yeo always reminded the church to support the work of ACTS. As an act of worship and thanksgiving to our Lord, ZFGC is privileged to partner with ACTS to establish the “Alfred Yeo Fund for Theological Studies” that the Fund’s beneficiaries will constantly be reminded and challenged by the legacy of Rev Yeo.

Zion Alfred Yeo Fund for Theological Studies (Scholarship)


The scholarship is opened to all matriculated students of ACTS who are Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents. New students applying for the scholarship must have concurrently submitted their application for matriculation. Preferences in selection will be given to those who are:

1. Outstanding in academic performance, with at least a GPA of 3.3 for an existing Graduate programme student, or 3.0 for an existing Undergraduate programme student. New students will be accessed based on previous merits.

2. Presently and actively involved in the ministry of his or her local church.

3. Training to enter into fulltime ministry after their theological studies.

4. Facing financial difficulties.

5. Exemplary and sound in their character.

Value of Award

The Scholarships are awarded on a by-level basis, and scholarship recipients can apply for the renewal of the scholarships for a subsequent level after they complete each level of studies. Each renewal application will be re-assessed based on the applicant’s present need and past academic performances. Each scholarship provides the recipient with the following:

1. Tuition fees, and all fees relating to the academic aspect of the studies for up to the completion of the current level of their theological programme.

2. A $50-per-module book allowance in support of their studies

Alfred Yeo Fund for Theological Studies (Bursary)


The bursary is opened to all matriculated students of ACTS who are Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents. Applicants must have taken at least two modules in ACTS, and must be shown to have genuine financial difficulties. Additionally, applicants should be:

1. Satisfactory in academic performance, with at least a GPA of 3.0 for a Graduate programme student, or 2.3 for an Undergraduate programme student.

2. Presently and actively involved in the ministry of his or her local church.

3. Exemplary and sound in their character.

Value of Bursary

The bursaries are awarded on an annual basis, and bursary recipients can apply for the renewal of the bursaries after each academic year. Each renewal application will be reassessed based on the applicant’s present need and past academic performances. Each bursary provides the recipient with a 50% subsidy of tuition fees for all enrolled modules within the academic year covered under the bursary.

If you meet the above condition, please download the preliminary application form and send directly to Academic Dean @ academicdean@acts.edu.sg.


杨福龙神学教育基金由 ACTS 学院设立,由锡安全备福音教会提供资金,通过奖 学金和助学金的方式,支持 ACTS 学院的神学教育。基金以锡安全备福音教会的 主任牧师杨福龙牧师(2004-2016 年)命名,以示尊重。

杨牧师除了牧养之外,也曾在神召会神学院(ACTS 学院前身)担任客卿讲师, 传授辅导方面的知识、技能和经验。杨牧师一生的负担在于触摸生命,尤其是 弱势群体。因此他也创立和主持新加坡神召会社区关怀协会的工作。杨牧师在 神召社群内备受尊重,因此连续几期获选加入神召总会执委会。

杨牧师在各方面参与服事,靠着主的恩典,带领锡安全备福音教会力上加力, 因而传为佳话。他致力爱教会、牧养教会,使教会增长。他了解神学培训的需 要,也为未来神召会领袖开拓机会,所以经常提醒教会支持 ACTS 学院的工作。 锡安全备福音教会本于对主的敬拜和感恩,与 ACTS 学院合作设立“杨福龙神学 教育基金”,让受惠学生能纪念和传承杨牧师的精神。



奖学金公开给 ACTS 学院所有通过面试入学的学生(新加坡公民或永久居民)。 新生若有意申请,就必须同时呈交入学申请表格。优先考虑的条件是:

1. 卓越的学术表现,即:硕士生总学分至少 3.3,本科生总学分至少 3.0。 新生资格将视他以往的成绩而定。

2. 目前正活跃于教会事奉。

3. 接受神学装备,预备进入全职服事。

4. 面对经济困难。

5. 品格端正,是好榜样。


奖学金将根据学科阶段分发,奖学金得主能够在某学科阶段毕业后,升上另一学 科阶段后重新申请。每次申请将重新根据申请者当时的需要,及以往的成绩来 评估。每份奖学金提供以下津贴:

1. 学费,以及所有跟学术方面有关的费用,直到该学科阶段结束。

2. 每个课程$50 书本津贴。



助学金公开给 ACTS 学院所有通过面试入学的学生(新加坡公民或永久居民)。 申请者必须在 ACTS 学院修读过至少两个课程,并且确实有经济需要。此外,申 请者应具备:

1. 令人满意的学术表现,即:硕士生总学分至少 3.0,本科生总学分至少 2.3。

2. 目前正活跃于教会事奉。

3. 品格端正,是好榜样。


助学金按年份分发,申请者在该学年结束后,可以重新申请。每次申请将重新 根据申请者当时的需要,及以往的成绩来评估。每份助学金提供得主 50%学费津 贴(该学年所有报读科目)。

若您符合上述条件,请下载申请表格,并直接发送至教务主任@ academicdean@acts.edu.sg。